
Law Firm Digital Marketing Experts You Can Trust

Times have changed and so have marketing strategies. In the ‘old days, you could put a billboard, list in the Yellow Pages, and maybe run radio to television advertisements to bring in clientele to your law firm. However, nowadays, things are focused on tech. Most people use their smartphones or computers to find legal assistance they trust. 

Law firm digital marketing is not a luxury but a necessity to generate leads and bring in new clients while increasing the ROI. Successful campaigns include tailored strategies that focus on social media, Google search engine ranking, paid ads, branding, and engagement. 

Grow Your Legal Practice with Digital Marketing

Have you recently launched a law firm looking to grow your practice? Maybe you have an established legal firm, but you have noticed a downward spiral compared to your competition. If your current marketing isn’t working, then you’ll need to get to the root of the problem. 

Law firm internet marketing is complicated. You probably don’t know where to start. However, at Lasting Trend, we have the skills and knowledge to boost mediocre marketing to success. We focus on three key areas related to digital marketing: content marketing, link building, and SEO. 

The digital marketing experts at Lasting Trend like to hit the ground running by providing you with advice, development, and results. With tailored and focused online marketing for lawyers, we can help your firm succeed in the competitive space. 

Our skilled team will spend the first month focusing on the following:

  • Boosting SEO
  • Analyzing your firm’s website
  • Cultivate your brand through social media 
  • Competitive analysis to discover what is going on with your competition
  • Niche research
  • Brainstorm and outline a 12-month strategy

Find New Customers

The lifeblood of any law firm remains its clients. Without a solid client base of past, current, and prospective clientele, your practice will start to sink. Successful internet marketing for attorneys is about creating a brand for your firm while engaging with clients and prospects with your online marketing presence. 

Take the time to create a buyer persona for your firm. Think about the types of clients that you want to attract. Digital marketing for personal injury law firms will be different from digital marketing for lawyers who handle family law, custody issues, divorce, wills, or criminal cases. You must tailor your marketing strategies to fit your practice’s particular niche. The methods are radically different to target audience interests and find new customers. 

Build Trust Through Content

Online marketing for law firms has many components, but branding is crucial. Effective branding creates a personality for your practice that appeals to would-be clients and spurs loyalty in past and current clientele. 

lawyer internet marketing

Focused content builds trust. It’s not about selling the practice but educating, providing helpful information that people expect from an experienced group of legal professionals. Showcasing your firm’s expertise encourages people to seek out your legal counsel and become future clients. Also, past clients feel more at ease making referrals. 

Convert More Leads

Law firms often struggle with the consent of lead generation. However, establishing a healthy lead pipeline is a crucial step in any attorney online marketing game plan. Your practice can experience a fruitful lead generation process for improved cash flow and business growth with the right tactics and solid business development tactics. 

With any law firm digital marketing method, the goal is to rapidly convert website visitors into real-life clients. You want the website visitor to pick up the phone to schedule a free consultation or reach out via direct message, email, or chat so your team of legal experts can finalize the conversion. The key to achieving this is to make sure your website has engaging and persuasive content so that visitors see your website as a valuable resource. 

Build Brand Awareness & Credibility Online

Cultivating brand awareness enhances your firm’s visibility with your target audience. You want your law firm to become the first choice with your audience if they have legal needs. In time, a strong brand awareness spurs loyalty with your clients, so you enjoy repeat business and referrals. A strong, appealing, and knowledgeable brand gives your practice a competitive edge. Firms with prominent brands receive far more traffic and solid inquiries than others with a lackluster reputation or subpar online credibility. 

Law Firm Digital Marketing Services We Provide

At Lasting Trend, we are a full-service marketing agency with skilled experts who understand law firm needs. Our team develops an approach focused on online marketing for law firms.

Our first step is to focus on your firm’s online presence. Your website should be mobile and user-friendly. We’ll help your practice establish a solid online presence via social media, corporate advertising, review websites, and more. We want to align everything to work like a well-oiled machine such as blogs, search engine marketing, newsletters, email marketing, online banner ads, and more.

The goal is always to shorten the customer journey to ‘finalize the sale.’  This means focusing on your services, lowering website processing times, and targeting a specific audience to gain conversions. 

We’ll gather valuable information about not only your firm and competition but also your clients. To fine-tune the client experience, a deep understanding is needed. 

The importance of mobile solutions cannot be understated. It is imperative that your website is responsive to mobile users and that you have cross-platform mobile applications that focus not only on clients but also on your internal legal staff. 

Our goal as a full-service marketing agency is always to improve your business process through digital technology so you can gain the results you need for your business to thrive.

Website Design & Development

The first step in successful law firm digital marketing is to focus on website design and development. Our experts understand that your website is the foundation of your digital marketing goals. It is a valuable piece of property you own and need to improve periodically to promote its credibility. 

When a client searches for law firms in your area or for legal assistance in the niche that your firm specializes in, you want them to find your website at the top of the search results. The key to gaining that highly coveted top ranking is to make sure your website is credible. 

When potential clients visit your website, your goal is to convince them to become paying clients. Your website should impress and offer valuable information, so your site becomes a go-to resource. 

When designing a successful legal website, SEO is crucial. It will ensure your site is found via search engine results and help to drive organic traffic to your firm, so you gain results. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO (search engine optimization) is the primary driving force pushing organic traffic to your law firm. Most people use Google (the largest search engine) to find lawyers in their geographic location serving the legal niche they require aid within. 

If your website does not appear at the top of the first page of Google search results, then you’ll lose valuable business to your competition. People are notoriously lazy and typically only call the law firms that appear first on the search results. 

At Lasting Trend, we use our skills to gain your firm’s long-term high RIO with a tailored strategy that focuses on SEO. We know the niche specifics, and we can gain impressive results for our clients using lawyer internet marketing methods. 

 Weaving SEO throughout your firm’s website, content, and blog posts all help internet searchers find your practice. SEO is one of the primary triggers for Google to categorize your site accordingly. The content on your website should effectively show that you are a legal expert in your area. 

a clear understanding of the US market and specific industry niches
experience and expertise needed for the project
reliability and responsible handling of sensitive data
practical resources and specialized tools

Local SEO

The majority of visitors seeking your legal skills are looking for a law firm in a particular geographic area. They will run a search such as ‘personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles’ or ‘personal injury law firms in Southern California.’ The best personal injury lawyer marketing techniques will focus on using SEO keywords that pinpoint their geographic location and their niche ‘personal injury’ to gain a top spot and dominate during geo-specific Google searches. 

Pay-Per-Click Marketing (PPC)

 Pay Per Click advertising does not offer as high ROI as SEO, but it’s still an essential component of any lawyer online marketing plan. Running paid display ads helps increase visibility and can bring in leads. You will pay a fee every time a user clicks on your advertisement. PPC can become expensive compared to other forms of marketing, but it renders fast results and provides important data. 

SEO takes time to create sustainable growth. It may take weeks or months before SEO shows any payoff. However, PPC generates leads quickly to help your companion gain traffic and retain clients, so it is engaging and worth the investment. 

Focusing Your Keywords

At Lasting Trend,  our team carries out extensive research to form a very focused approach towards keywords. We don’t just pick random words but instead rely on the ones that genuinely produce conversion results. 

Reaching Your Target Audience

We want to know and understand your clients so we can better reach them. Our team will build portraits based on your services, past clients, testimonials, and more. We will study analytics to form the best practices to target the particular client base.

Conveying A Clear Message in Your Ad Content

Consumers nowadays are savvy. They understand an advertisement that is pushing them to purchase with unfounded promises. We provide creative and clear messages for your ad content that explain why you are the best law firm or have a 100 percent success rate. 

Carefully Managing Your Bids and Budget

Sometimes it’s best to come in second. Many people are not attracted to first place ads. Research has shown that second place often achieves greater conversions. Also, striving for second place is more affordable. You’ll pay less for each lead, so everything stays nicely within budget. Remember, advertising doesn’t have to break the bank to achieve acceptable results.

In Lasting Trend, we always monitor PPC campaigns. As in morning click may cost $15 and in evening $50. That’s so because new players may come and waste all their budget with high bids. It helps us to save clients money and let them get clients not only today or tomorrow but for a long period of time.

Display & Remarketing Advertising

In addition to investing in paid advertisements, we suggest retargeting. There is value in reaching out to people who have visited and are interested in your website. We can strategically position ads in front of viewers who have visited your website, so they see your ads every time they browse on Google or use a partner website. Display and remarketing advertising put your firm in the forefront, so viewers return to your website to make contact. The investment is minimal, and the results are impressive. 

law firm internet marketing

Blogging & Legal Content Writing

Law firm blogging is a tried-and-true way to get leads. It is also a powerful tool in SEO and helping to ensure that your website receives a top-ranking spot on Google. 

The conversion rate is not as high as commercial, but there is definite gain. At Lasting Trend, we work with paralegals who have the legal expertise needed to create informative content. Remember, you want people to trust your blogs. 

Nowadays, blog writing is not just about stuffing keywords to push SEO. With Google, you must show you are a knowledgeable site offering important information to would-be and established clients. 

Many legal websites, but sometimes no one reads the blogs. Typically, if the blogs are too technical, many readers might pass by—also, blog topics matter. You want your website to feature blogs that are trending, interesting, and informative. The blogs should contain information that people want to learn about. 

Social Media Marketing & Advertising

Social media is prevalent, but marketing is often underutilized. The many social media platform such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram let you target specific segments of potential clients while engaging with them online. 

Often social media users are not seeking out your business, but they notice it due to eye-catching content based on trending topics that are relevant. With a legal, social media account, you want to gain followers for your firm, attract more clients, and build trust.

Social media for lawyers is ideal for branding and attracting new clients. Lawyer internet marketing does not gain results instantly. Instead, it’s like a slow burn. For years, many followers will interact with a firm’s social media profile by following/sharing the stories, hitting like, or commenting. However, at some point, they might need legal counsel. They will seek out your law firm because you have successfully cultivated an identity and personality using social media, so your followers see you as a trustworthy asset. 

Facebook Advertising

Using Facebook advertising, you can provide targeted, valuable content such as blogs, videos, and events by regularly sharing with your followers. Advertising on the social media giant is cost-effective and significantly boosts your brand, giving you a stellar reputation. Followers will often seek your legal services after following you for years on Facebook. 

Instagram Advertising

Instagram is a great way to promote your law firm. You can add images, share awards, promote charitable causes, and even host speaking events. Videos on Instagram help build brand awareness and let you highlight your practice areas. You can also use the social media platform to educate your audience about various legal industry topics. 

LinkedIn Advertising

With LinkedIn, your demographics and audience are particular. You share your success as law form. At Lasting Trend, we service a wide array of businesses; we are a personal injury lawyer marketing agency, a family law firm digital marketing agency and more. We can promote that on LinkedIn, and law firms can do the same with great success. Share your legal success, share helpful industry news and content, plus reach out to your competitors to form a working alliance. 

Reporting & Analytics

Our team works to analyze the market and audit both past and current digital marketing. We also examine the competition. All of our results and analytics are shared with our clients so we can work together as a team brainstorming a successful marketing campaign. We don’t keep our clients in the shadows. Instead, everything is transparent and upfront. 

After reviewing and assessing your digital capabilities, we will discuss our plans to implement our strategy. After launching, we will continue ongoing contact throughout the course of the project so you can see the results of our efforts as they evolve.

The data we analyze and our reports aim to engage sales, improve customer loyalty, and create better interactions. We want to reduce your costs while managing your digital channels. Our team knows the importance of communication with our clients for long-term gains. Reviews can truly show if your investments are successful.

Email Advertising

Email advertising is a form of marketing that builds relationships. We can help you with all aspects of creating and managing productive email campaigns to reach prospects, produce leads, stay in touch with current customers and speak directly to past customers.  

Our team will separate your audience into different practice areas, and then we will send them only emails that interest them. We want them to open the emails and not simply hit delete. 

Using email marketing, we can take the guesswork out of success. We can track if the email has been opened and which links have been used using marketing software. Also, we know when people unsubscribe. Email marketing is a great way to gauge real success. 

Once we get an idea of how effective the email campaign is, we can adjust and improve its effectiveness. 


Remarketing reaches out to visitors to your website to convert them into clients by giving them additional opportunities to contact your firm. We focus on remarketing techniques such as increasing the awareness of a casual visitor in your law firm’s services. We can also reach out to existing clients to reinspire interest. 

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) helps to encourage visitors to your legal website to carry out a particular action such as calling your firm on the phone, emailing, following on social media, or chatting with a customer service representative. You want the website visitor to leave their contact information so one of your legal team can reach out and convert them into a client. 

The marketing technique pushes a user to carry out a particular task such as the following:

  • Fill out a questionnaire briefly explaining the visitor’s legal needs
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Clicking on a link for more information
  • Pop-ups in a blog
  • Text-based CTAS such as those found in a blog 
  • Chat boxes (chat with the team)
  • Book a meeting/consultation button online option 

Online Reputation Management

Your reputation online matters. The majority of people who are seeking legal representation will take the time to read reviews. A one-star review can seriously impact and hurt your law firm’s image. 

At Lasting Trend, we care about your online reputation, and we know the importance of making sure you stand out as one of the best.  

Sadly, sometimes competitors or disgruntled clients will leave fake negative reviews to hurt your law firm’s reputation. We will look over your online portfolio and account to make sure everything looks good and you are not negatively impacting your online presence. We want your law firm to shine with an impressive reputation! 


 Your online presence matters to us. When we work with you, we give you 100 percent. From start to finish, we will lay out a viable and successful month-by-month strategy and solution plan. We back our strategy with analytics and factual evidence. Our team will sit down and brainstorm with you to stay within your budget and increase your profit. Remember, when you come out ahead, so do we. 

If you would like to learn more about our many digital marketing solutions, please fill out the free consultation form, and we will reach out to you to answer all your questions. We provide ROI-driven campaigns. 

Law Firm Practice Areas We Serve

Even the best law firms can hit a plateau in the digital era. We can help push you again to the top of the competition. If we are a new firm struggling to get noticed in your geographic location – we can help.  

 At Lasting Trend, we service many legal niches:

  • Personal Injury Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Employment Law
  • Bankruptcy Law
  • Family Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Immigration Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Civil Law

We are an independent full-service digital advertising agency based in New York City.  The services we provide for law firms include 

  • Content marketing: Let us develop a successful and customized content strategist, so your firm gains clients. 
  • Link building: Our webmasters can drive referral traffic and boost your website’s authority.
  • SEO: Through technical SEO, we can find out what is negatively impacting your website and then work to fix the problems, so you come out on top of any geo-specific search. 
  • Web design: We can ensure your website ranks well to achieve ongoing traffic with SEO-friendly web design. 

Lawyer Online Marketing Done Right

How much do personal injury law firms spend on marketing? This is a common question people wonder about when they see colossal billboard signs advertising personal injury lawyers along interstates. Undoubtedly, they probably spend a small fortune on old-school marketing tactics. However, online marketing done right is an affordable option that saves a law firm considerable money while providing even more outstanding client retention results. 

We believe that each dollar spent on SEO by a law firm should double or triple your clients. Our team is dedicated to helping you gain such impressive results without going over budget. We will work with you on affordable digital marketing solutions that provide accurate results. Let us show solutions to save money while effectively marketing your practice, so you profit. 

Getting to Know Your Firm

When you contact Lasting Trend, we take the time to listen to you and get to know your firm. We want to understand your geographic location and your niche market expertise. After gathering all critical information, we will work on a strategic plan that will provide impressive results. 

with Lasting Trend
4.5 times
than in-house team
marketing director, senior SEO, content writer and junior designer

Ongoing Analysis

We know you want to become a leader in your geographic, legal niche. Our team will listen to your goals and then draft a plan to achieve what you are envisioning. We will analyze everything, so you become number one! 

Planning and Launch

Our expert will plan a marketing campaign that fits your timeline and goals. We know you want to see results quickly. Once we draft an operational plan and launch it, we will keep you posted on the success of every step we take to market your firm. You’ll never be in the dark about anything. Transparency remains one of our promises to our clients. 

Reporting and Analytics

We don’t just tell you how things are going; we provide you with reports and analytics that show accurate results. You’ll see how each marketing step provides results. Every month, you’ll receive updates.

Results You Can See and Understand

Competition is stiff between law firms. You might feel like you are losing potential clients due to ineffective marketing. Every client that lands on your webpage and navigates away without contacting you is a loss. However, at Lasting Trend, we can help you reach your digital market goals. We give you the results you are dreaming about by not only driving traffic but making client conversions. 

Increased Overall Leads

Leads = conversions!  The goal of your law firm is to bring in new clients and inspire renewed interest in old clients. Our law firm digital marketing strategies are tailored to increase overall leads, so your practice reaps the benefits! 

Improved Keyword Positions in SEO Campaigns

We know the importance of SEO campaigns. Our end-target is to improve your position on a Google search. Let Lasting Trend help tailor your website’s keywords, so our site surges to the top. Keywords help improve ranking and make it easier for clients to find you online. They can showcase your legal services without geographic location, so you pull in more local clients looking for area legal assistance and advice. 

Decreased Cost-per-lead Metrics in Paid Campaigns

Are you wondering if your marketing campaigns are effective? The cost-per-lead metrics effectively measure your marketing success, so you know if your campaign is generating leads. You’ll have obtained a tangible dollar figure, so you know where your money is being spent to factor in your return on marketing investment calculations. 

1st Month
  • Finding “low-hanging fruits”to get SEO boost
  • Site analysis
  • Niche research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Brainstorming and strategy approval for 12 months
2nd Month
  • Developing traffic growth strategy
    • - Content Plan
    • - Link Building
    • - Technical SEO
  • Development of reporting system and proper analytics setup
3-6 Months
  • Implementing customer growth tactics
  • Blogging
  • Webmasters outreach
  • Search and/or social ads
  • Strategy correction based on the first dataset
6-12 Months
  • Sales Grow - your investments are starting to pay off
  • Conversion rate optimization of landing pages
  • Email newsletters
  • Sales funnel optimization
  • Marketing strategy review and development for the next 12 months

What to Expect from Our Lawyer Internet Marketing Team

If you are a small law firm or just starting, you probably don’t have an in-house marketing team. You might think that you can learn the ropes about marketing and handle the situation yourself to save money. Still, just the time it takes to learn the intricacies of digital marketing takes you away from your firm’s business, and clients so it can end up costing you more. We handle our marketing when using Lasting Trend, so you don’t have to waste valuable time. 

We Are Always on Time

You keep your appointments with your clients, and you strive to always be on time when handling cases. Undoubtedly, you expect the same from any business partner or associate.  We know the importance of deadlines. At Lasting Trend, we always provide on-time delivery based on the marking plan’s particular timeline. You can count on us every step of the way. 

Industry Leading Tactics

Our industry-leading tactics provide proven results. You don’t have to wonder if our digital marketing campaigns are working because your increased clientele will attest to our knowledge and success. 

We Provide Measurable and Positive Results

We don’t make false promises. We provide accurate, measurable results. If you want to increase traffic and push conversion, then we can help. Our team is skilled in all aspects of digital marking for lawyers. 

Comprehensive Reporting

Every month, we provide comprehensive reporting so you can see how every dollar you spent on digital marketing helped improve your firm’s traffic and client retention. You’ll be able to stay on top of your ROI with all the information we provide. 

Getting Incredible Results for Our Clients

Case Studies

The New York-based law offices of Yuriy Moshes have an outstanding reputation. However, they were failing to pull in sufficient leads from their website. Nowadays, law practices cannot depend on word of mouth to gain clients in the highly competitive industry. It is imperative that a firm invest in a strategic web presence. The firm had a clear goal – they wanted clients to start calling ASAP. 

Our team wanted to provide transparent deliverables, so we set up a separate phone line to track the calls that came in from the website. We wanted the law office of Yuriy Moshes to experience the impact of our services every time the phone rang. Our team then started examining the law firm’s content marketing to fine-tune things to gain the needed results – higher traffic and greater client retention.

What Our Clients Think

Testimonials and Reviews


01 / 04


SEO Service

Smaller Websites With 1-5 Services
  • Technical & Mobile SEO Checkup
  • On-site SEO
  • Niche Keyword Research
  • 4 Content Scripts
  • Basic Link Building
  • Keyword Position Report

360° Marketing

Websites With 6-30 Services or E-commerce
  • Everything from Starter Plan +
  • UX, UI Design
  • Advanced Link building
  • Local SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media or PPC Management

Enterprise SEO

from $10,000
Multi-site Projects or Large E-commerce
  • Everything from 360 SEO Plan+
  • Sales Funnels
  • Satellite Website Networks
  • Multi-Channel Paid Ads


What Is Law Firm Internet Marketing?

Law firm internet marketing depends on the firm’s website and social media presence to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, gain quality leads, promote engagement and gain new clients.

How Much Does Digital Marketing for Lawyers Cost?

At Lasting Trend, you pick the package that best fits your needs and budget. 
Starter SEO is priced at $2999 per month
360 SEO is priced at $5000 per month
Enterprise SEO starts at $10,000 per month

What Is a Good ROI On Attorney Internet Marketing?

An acceptable rule of thumb when it comes to law firm internet marketing ROI is a 5:1 ratio. A genuinely exceptional 10:1 ratio is considered outstanding. Anything that dips below a 2:1 ratio is deemed a financial failure and not profitable.

What Lawyer Online Marketing Services Do You Provide?

We offer a full line of online digital marketing services to improve your firm’s website performance and build your social media presence. Our services include SEO, link building, content marketing, web design, sales funnels, and marketing strategies.

Speak to Our Law Firm Digital Marketing Experts

Suppose you are tired of wasting time on digital marketing that you could be spending with clients or in the courtroom, then why not consider hiring the skilled team at Lasting Trend. We are here to meet all your marketing needs. Our team will work closely with you to gain the results you seek. Effective content marketing brings your firm new clients without causing headaches. Contact us to learn more today!

Lasting Trend