
Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing

Building your legal business can be a challenge. There are plenty of hurdles that keep you from making the most of your business but one thing that shouldn’t stand in your way is your personal injury lawyer marketing. The best way to take care of your business is to get on board with professionals like Lasting Trend for the best in digital marketing for personal injury lawyers.

No matter what you invest in, you want to see a solid ROI for your marketing strategy that’s handled by a team that understands the legal niche. Before you embark on a whole new strategy, see what Lasting Trend can do for your marketing for a personal injury lawyer!

Turn Your Marketing Investment into a Profit Center

You have all the knowledge necessary to make your business a success and our team at Lasting Trend knows how to market it all! Lasting Trend and the plans developed by the team focus on letting you focus on your legal business while we take care of the marketing side. You’ll be freed up to keep pressing on with your cases without needing to learn the ins and outs of marketing for a personal injury lawyer!


The first step in the Lasting Trend process is to attract customers to your site and your business. While you won’t need flashy signs or big flags, Lasting Trend works with you to bring in clients. The basics of your business do the hard work of attracting clients to the solid work you do. Lasting Trend and the marketing strategy for your legal business focus on those ways you’ll help clients out and highlight them in the plan.


Just catching someone’s attention isn’t enough when it comes to moving your personal injury law firm marketing plan. Lasting Trend pushes your marketing strategy to start showing returns through engagement with your business, website, and social media pages. This engagement is what will then lead to further business for your company through legal marketing for personal injury lawyers.


After clients and prospective clients have begun to engage with your business, it’s time to connect them from a simple personal injury law firm marketing plan to diehard clients! Lasting Trend works with you to translate clicks and likes to real customers. This is where your marketing investment starts to really pay off! You’ll see an increase in calls, emails, and comments on your sites and pages after investing in personal injury law firm marketing.

Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing Solutions We Provide

Lasting Trend is a full-service marketing agency and our team prides themselves on understanding the ins and outs of law firms and their clients. Whatever the needs of your company and legal team, we can work with you to create solutions that fit your budget, needs, and future plans! With the deep understanding Lasting Trend has of the law firm niche, you’ll be able to plan with us and see results in no time with our marketing for personal injury law firms.

marketing for a personal injury lawyer

Website Design

Your website, in today’s high speed world, is a vital part of your business. This is where you’ll be able to showcase your skills, niche, and successes that will help draw new clients in and give returning clients a reason to stay. A website that’s well designed helps push your business forward. Lasting Trend takes care of all the design details of marketing for your personal injury law firm for you so you can continue doing the work you love!

Mobile Marketing

Few people look at websites and social media pages on an actual computer anymore. In the first quarter of 2021, mobile device traffic to websites was 54% of all site views! Your website can’t just look good when its on a computer. We help you develop your best personal injury lawyer marketing so your site stands out on a computer and on a mobile device!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A website can be as flashy, catchy, and shiny as you want but if no one can find it, there’s not going to be an increase in business. Lasting Trend works as your personal injury marketing agency to develop your personal injury lawyer SEO. This helps push your site up to the top of the search results by making it:

  • Relevant
  • Local
  • Keyword-rich

Social Media

The world is increasingly turning to social media for recommendations about everything from personal injury lawyers to the best ice cream in town. The social media pages for your business and firm need to reflect the marketing strategy put into place by Lasting Trend. Lasting Trend works with you to develop every area of your social media pages and the best digital marketing for personal injury law firms!


Developing your organic leads is a vital part of a marketing strategy but Lasting Trend works with your firm to push your pay-per-click forward. This is a practice that lets you get a lot of leads in a short amount of time. Lasting Trend’s pay-per-click pushes clients in your specific area, like personal injury lawyer, forward so you get what you want and need.


Coming to the top of a national ranking or search is all well and good but in order to get the local clients you need, you’ll want to make sure that your ranking is also high locally. Lasting Trend uses the expertise as a team and pushes forward the geo-fencing aspect where local results are the goal and target. This helps target leads and not just traffic so you’ll see a high ROI for each one!


Paid advertisements are only part of the solution with retargeting filling in the rest. This is a strategy that helps remind users that you’re able to help with their case! By revisiting the information, users and clients are more likely to reach out and turn simple traffic into a solid lead. These leads are what will help push your law firm into the profitable end with your marketing plan!

Reputation Management for Law Firms

Your law firms overall reputation is a unique part of your brand and a focal point of the entire marketing campaign. Lasting Trend works through all different avenues to develop and manage the reputation of your law firm. A lawyer is often judged on their reputation first before clients and prospective clients have had the chance to do much research. With Lasting Trend, your website, social media, and entire reputation is in the hands of our team of professionals who understand the law firm niche!

How We Can Help Your Firm

There are a lot of different ways to shore up your law firms business and working with a company like Lasting Trend is one of the best ways to see significant ROI! Our team believes that every dollar you spend on SEO for your personal injury attorney marketing should double or even triple your business. How much personal injury law firms spend on marketing determines the ROI you’ll see in the future and how big your portfolio will grow. Investing in your marketing is a serious investment in your business and we take every step necessary to see your returns grow.

Increasing Your Search Engine Rankings

Search Engine Optimization is key when you want your business website to come up to the top when people start looking for help. With Lasting Trend, we increase your search engine rankings so you start showing up at the top of each search in your industry niche and geographic location. By narrowing down the choices and pushing you to the top through keyword rich content, your business is the first to reach potential clients.

a clear understanding of the US market and specific industry niches
experience and expertise needed for the project
reliability and responsible handling of sensitive data
practical resources and specialized tools

Acquiring New Clients

New clients can be hard to come by but getting them into your system is vital to the health of your firm. By helping you acquire new clients, Lasting Trend is dedicated to building your business through any means possible. Courting these new and prospective clients can be time-consuming. Rather than dealing with it yourself, our team can help make the sale so you can keep focusing on cases and the law.

Increasing Your Revenue

Developing a marketing strategy with Lasting Trend is a great way to increase your revenue! Our team helps you build up and increase your revenue streams so your business will thrive. All the details that go into that increase can bog you down when you’re trying to build up your firm. We take care of the details so you can continue to focus on the law and not on marketing!

Having the Local Advantage

Finding your website for a personal injury law firm in Ohio, in California, won’t do your clients much good when they need timely advice. But with our team at Lasting Trend, we push you to the top using SEO and geo-fencing so your clients are local. These local clients are much more likely to translate from simple traffic to full-blown leads. We develop this local advantage in every way possible!

Staying on Top of your Campaign

A full blown marketing campaign that highlights your personal injury attorney’s firm can be a lot of moving parts and pieces. Lasting Trend stays on top of your entire campaign so you don’t have to! We monitor not just what’s going out into the world but the ROI your company is getting. Everything will be tracked and monitored so you can rest easy knowing your law firm is going out into the world well.

Our Approach

Lasting Trend takes a measured and dedicated approach to every marketing campaign. Your business is near and dear to your heart so we take that into the marketing strategy! By focusing on all the ways to get your business in front of clients and work the system to make it more profitable, we’ll make sure your business continues to grow as we go and you end up winning.

Branding Your Personal Injury Law Firm

People and clients often won’t remember everything about your business but they’ll remember how your brand made them feel. The first place that Lasting Trend starts is by branding your entire personal injury law firm. This gives you foundation from which you can build out your marketing campaign. Your brand is how your company is designed to make people feel!

Creating your Personal Injury Law Firm Website

Your website is a window into the way your business works and the benefits you can have for your clients. Lasting Trend takes the pressure off you and creates a personal injury law firm website for your business! We create and curate your website so your SEO and overall content are fresh and focused on your law firms niche.

Defining your Firm’s Most Important Keywords

Keywords are a quick, bite-sized way that clients and search engines can see what you’re all about! Lasting Trend works with your law firm to develop your particular firm’s most important keywords for SEO. Once these words are isolated, we can use them to develop leads. These leads are more than just traffic and generate new clients for your law firm by capitalizing on the trends.

1st Month
  • Finding “low-hanging fruits”to get SEO boost
  • Site analysis
  • Niche research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Brainstorming and strategy approval for 12 months
2nd Month
  • Developing traffic growth strategy
    • - Content Plan
    • - Link Building
    • - Technical SEO
  • Development of reporting system and proper analytics setup
3-6 Months
  • Implementing customer growth tactics
  • Blogging
  • Webmasters outreach
  • Search and/or social ads
  • Strategy correction based on the first dataset
6-12 Months
  • Sales Grow - your investments are starting to pay off
  • Conversion rate optimization of landing pages
  • Email newsletters
  • Sales funnel optimization
  • Marketing strategy review and development for the next 12 months

Building Your Local SEO Foundation

Local results are the best results for your website and law firm. We work with you to increase search results locally through GMB pages and local bloggers and news sites. These mentions and increase in geographically local information help drive people to your site. After all, being at the top of search engine results won’t do you much good if your clients can’t reach you locally!

Link Building to Enhance Your Website’s Ranking Ability

Organic links on your website’s page drive more and more traffic to your site. Lasting Trend works with y our law firm to shore up and build out those organic links. People who find your site through these organic links are able to translate from simple traffic to tried and true clients with solutions found!

Search Engine Optimization for Personal Injury Law Firms

Every niche is different and understanding the ins and outs of SEO for your niche can be tricky. There are a lot of things on your plate as a law firm owner or manager. Dealing with SEO can seem simple on the surface but leaving it to the professionals at Lasting Trend is the best way to see dedicated results. We’ll take the trouble off your plate so you can continue to focus on your firm!

Website Design and User Experience

Your website is a window into your brand, business, and niche. Lasting Trend develops the SEO of your website and the user experience overall! This helps streamline your traffic into full-fledged clients and helps them navigate easily to contact you for help. Websites that are clunky and hard to use can drive clients away. Lasting Trend works with you to develop a site that’s easy to use and still search engine friendly.

Content that Ranks

The content of your website is easy to overlook. As long as it has the basic information, you might be tempted to just let it go. Lasting Trend knows that there’s better ways to work it out! We develop your content so that your site and the content on it ranks high in the search engine results. Through keywords, design elements, and fresh content frequently, your site is sure to rank high!

On-Site Optimization

All that information on your site needs to change with the times and be updated as you go along. Lasting Trend offers on-site optimization that will help keep your site relevant day in and day out. There are lots of different ways to optimize your content including developing fresh content and enriching the keywords on your page.

Off-Site Promotion (Link-Building)

Recommendations on the internet are often done through links and link-building. Lasting Trend works with your site to develop link-building that will drive more traffic to your site. Once people find their way from other sites or links to yours, that traffic turns into calls and contacts that then develop into clients for your law firm.

Online Reviews

There’s a reason business like Yelp and Google Reviews are highly trafficked! Online reviews are a great way for new clients to gauge the law firm they’re researching. We work with you to filter and develop your online reviews that will put you at the top of search engine results.

Personal Injury Attorney Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay per click marketing is a valid way of building up your clientele. But it’s time-consuming and takes a certain finesse to accomplish. Rather than take time away from your business, our team at Lasting Trend can make the most of every pay-per-click to push forward your marketing campaign to consumers! There are lots of unique ways to develop this side of the marketing approach and we’ll seek out every way possible to help push your business forward!

Ads that Get Noticed

Ads can be a pain when you’re on the receiving end especially if they’re poorly done and simply distracting. But a clean add that puts information and an idea in the mind of potential clients can be a huge benefit to the marketing of your personal injury law firm. We develop these ads for you to make sure they get noticed by clients.

personal injury attorney marketing

A Focus on Keyword Research

Your keywords are the essence of your firm. Lasting Trend does the necessary research to make sure your business is well represented by the keywords in place. With these keywords developed and added in to your content, you’ll be driven to the top of the rankings and the search engine results.

Tapping in to Social Media

Social media is a great point of conversion and pay-per-click marketing for any personal injury law firm. Social media sites that are developed well by our team at Lasting Trend are able to convert passive traffic into active clients. There are also lots of opportunities to develop ads within social media as well that our team can explore for your firm.

Regular PPC Assessments

Continuing to pay for those clicks that aren’t converting to clients is not worth your time and won’t be competitive. Lasting Trend offers regular PPC assessments to show whether the pay-per-clicks are actually working! These assessments help to determine where funds and effort should go next.

PPC Budget Management

Any good marketing strategy has to have a budget that will match and continue to be effective. Our team works to manage that budget when developing PPC’s so you never have to worry about going overboard. We make regular updates to your law firm so you can increase or decrease the budget as necessary!

Tracking Conversions

Paying for leads, tactics, and ads only goes so far if they’re not being converted into actual clients. The team at Lasting Trend tracks these conversions and helps you make adjustments as needed. These conversions are vital to the health of your law firm and can help you grow without all the extra effort needed for organic leads.

Online Reputation Management for Law Firms

Law firm reputations can be make or break for the entire firm itself. There are lot of things that go into an online reputation and rather than try to balance it all yourself, Lasting Trend takes care of the details and techniques for you. Everything from the way your website looks to the emotion evoked with your social media pages is under the careful guidance of the Lasting Trend team.

Emphasize Testimonials

A good testimonial is a worth a thousand words! This is the culmination of lots of hard work for your law firm and these can easily be highlighted and emphasized to show off the hard work your personal injury law firm is doing. Lasting Trend pulls these forward to boost your overall online reputation!

Share Positive News

There are a lot of bad things that happen in the world that often get highlighted. Lasting Trend takes the positive things happening in your firm and niche and shares them! This continues to build your online reputation without even requiring new content or other types of information from your business. You’ll be able to continue building your practice while your reputation solidifies online.

Establish Trust

It can be hard to get someone to trust you just based on a website. Lasting Trend works with your firm to develop ways that will help establish you as a trustworthy option for many clients through communicating all the ways your personal injury law firm can help. These small changes make all the difference when you’re converting traffic to clients and we work with you to get the job done in the most efficient way possible!

Push Trustworthy Sources to the Top

One of the best ways to establish trust between your clients and the firm is to recommend trustworthy sources too. Lasting Trend pushes these trustworthy sources to the top of feeds and content so your clients can see what you’re all about. We research these sources to ensure they meet the standards of your firm and trustworthiness needed.

Personal Injury Lawyer Social Media Ads

Social media ads are a great way to develop traffic and clients for your law firm. There are a variety of ways to develop these ads and Lasting Trend understands them all! Rather than a trial and error method that can leave you tired and burned out, Lasting Trend sticks to a laser focused approach to social media ads.

Content Writing for Blogs

The blogs connected to your website are a great source of fresh content that can, in turn, push your rankings and search engine results higher. Lasting Trend develops the content writing for these blogs so it remains relevant and accurate. This content can also be laced with keywords that develop your website rankings over time.


Comments on social media posts and blogs are a great way for your law firm to interact with potential clients. Instead of miring yourself in responding to comments and creating responses, our team can do the job for you. You’ll be able to see the benefits of these interactions when clients come with a great first impression of your site and social media sites.

Paid Ads

Paid ads often pop up on social media sites and are often ignored. Clunky ads that don’t get to the point are hard to follow and don’t result in sales. Lasting Trend focuses on making those ads pay out after they’re in place! With paid ads, you won’t be throwing money down the drain as Lasting Trend pushes to analyze and develop each of the PPC ads in place and visibility.

Personal Injury Lawyer Web Design

Designing a webpage can seem simple. With all the drag and drop sites available these days, developing those sites on your own may seem like a simple hour or two of work. In reality, there are a lot of pieces that can go unnoticed and leave your site clunky and unfriendly to any visitors. With Lasting Trend, your website is developed in ways that will give you the best ROI possible!

digital marketing for personal injury lawyers

Responsive Design

There are a lot of websites in the world that have not continued to change with the times. Having a responsive design for your site that showcases what you do as well as responds to customers needs in real time is crucial. Our team can design and curate a responsive design on your website for any law firm niche.

Customized Website

Drag-and-drop websites can seem very convenient but they often leave websites all looking the same. Your law firm is unique and deserves a customized website! Lasting Trend develops a customized website that serves your purpose exclusively. Everything from the position of the content to the domain name is free for you to choose so your experience will be as unique as possible.

Dedicated Project Management

When you go with a large scale SEO company, your project can get passed from person to person without any direct attention. Our team has dedicated project management that ensures your website has continuity throughout. These dedicated project managers also help develop the entire spread to suit your needs as an individual rather than just a niche.

Fast Loading Pages

Nothing’s worse than needed an answer and being met with a page that just won’t load. Instead of sending away potential clients frustrated, Lasting Trend develops fast loading pages that will help retain clients. These same fast loading pages are chockful of good content and information that shows up in your mobile or desktop browser faster.

Content Writing

There’s a lot of content that needs to be written to fill your website. All of those words need to be carefully cultivated by someone and it can take a lot of time. Rather than taking the time to do all that writing yourself, leave the task to us at Lasting Trend! We can write out the content, make sure to highlight keywords and phrases, and develop it all to create a comprehensive site.

Why Your Law Firm Needs Digital Marketing

Word of mouth will only take you so far when it comes to developing your business and building your firm. By investing in digital marketing, you’ll take the pressure off yourself and let us take care of it all for you. This is a hands off approach to building your business so you can continue to focus on your firm and all the details there. Not only is it hands-off but digital marketing gets results!

Your Potential Clients are Online

The first thing anyone does is search for their keywords and the location through a search engine. With all of your clients searching online, you need to be relevant online too! Building your online presence puts you where clients actually are.

Your Competition is Online

In order to get ahead, you need to make sure you’re placed where others can find you. Your competition for clients is all online and you’ll need to get online to stay relevant. If others start to find clients online ahead of you, business can wither quickly.

Build Credibility and Trust

Through the use of pushing trustworthy sources and citing testimonials, your site will quickly garner attention for being a credible source. Your online reputation will precede you setting you up for success when your clients start calling for help with a case.

Leverage Content Marketing

Your online marketing profile can help you leverage content marketing in the future! The content you market to others plays a role in your overall marketing plan. Online and in-person marketing play into each other to help create success!

Succeed in Social Media

Social media pages are a vital part of any business! This is the closest that clients and customers can get to talking with the company directly. Succeeding in social media means being responsive to clients and building up the page through content and interactions. Digital marketing focuses on building up these websites and social media pages so your business is the first to come to mind!

Why Choose Us As Your Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing Agency

A business and a marketing agency engage in a delicate dance when starting a partnership. Agencies that are too large don’t bother putting a dedicated team on your digital marketing project. Agencies that are too small can’t dedicate the team members and funds to watching your company personally. Lasting Trend is the best of both worlds with dedicated project management and plenty of ways to help you grow!

Superior SEO Solutions

Search engine optimization is what drives the world. Lasting Trend is full of team members that are dedicated to the way search engines operate. These SEO solutions push your website and online content to the top of search results. Your clients will be more easily be able to find you when they search for your niche.

Social Media Marketing that Works

These same SEO solutions make Lasting Trend the forerunners in social media marketing. Responsiveness and quality content are just some of the ways that Lasting Trend makes sure to push your social media to the forefront.

Manage Your Reputation

In a personal injury law firm, your reputation is everything. Lasting Trend works with you to build and manage your reputation online. This reputation is the best way to create and maintain your business in the bustling world of online information. Our team follows every detail of your business and seeks to maintain and grow your reputation through a wide range of sources.

Comprehensive Reporting

All the information collected and developed by our team is reported back to you in the most comprehensive way possible. Your business is important and while you may want a hands-off approach, you’ll want to keep track of everything happening as well. We can provide those reports!

with Lasting Trend
4.5 times
than in-house team
marketing director, senior SEO, content writer and junior designer

Customized Strategies that Click

Our strategies focus on getting more clicks, likes, and clients to your site. Whether we’re using focused ads or dealing with the organic building of your social media sites, our strategies work!

PPC Campaigns that Deliver Leads

Pay-per-click campaigns can feel burdensome. The PPC campaigns conceived by our team deliver the leads you need to make a difference! Whether it’s social media ads or other ads and sites, our team can deliver you the leads for clients that your business needs.

Case Studies

Don’t just take our word for it!

“When New York-based law offices of Yuriy Moshes found themselves with great market and niche reputation but without the leads from their site to back up their business, it was time to call in Lasting Trend. Word-of-mouth referrals aren’t quite cutting it when it comes to drumming up business and Lasting Trend was ready to dive in and do some work for the company. By setting a goal that will be easy to monitor, hear the phone ring right away, Lasting Trend stepped in, developed the best marketing strategies, filled out the niche information, and worked to get the strategy in place to drive visitors to the phone.”

Clients That We Ignite Growth In

Testimonials and Reviews


01 / 04

Other Law Firm Practice Areas We Serve

  • Personal injury law
  • Real estate law
  • Employment law
  • Bankruptcy law
  • Family law
  • Corporate law
  • Immigration law
  • Criminal Law
  • Civil Law


SEO Service

Smaller Websites With 1-5 Services
  • Technical & Mobile SEO Checkup
  • On-site SEO
  • Niche Keyword Research
  • 4 Content Scripts
  • Basic Link Building
  • Keyword Position Report

360° Marketing

Websites With 6-30 Services or E-commerce
  • Everything from Starter Plan +
  • UX, UI Design
  • Advanced Link building
  • Local SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media or PPC Management

Enterprise SEO

from $10,000
Multi-site Projects or Large E-commerce
  • Everything from 360 SEO Plan+
  • Sales Funnels
  • Satellite Website Networks
  • Multi-Channel Paid Ads


How do personal injury law firms work?

Personal injury lawyers focus on persecuting the people and institutions that caused personal injury. These are typically fought out in civil court and are built on a case by case basis.

How much do personal injury law firm marketing services cost?

Marketing services vary from firm to firm and are developed based on how much information and development is needed. Unique services require unique and customized pricing! Lasting Trend can develop marketing services that fit your needs and budget.

How can you attract more clients with our personal injury lawyer marketing?

Personal injury lawyer marketing helps build your website, puts you online where clients and competition are, and helps you translate traffic to clients. All of this is done without you needing to develop it on your own! Our firm takes care of everything for you so you don’t need to do it yourself.

Do personal injury law firms really need SEO services?

SEO services may seem like a luxury but they help you push your website and content to the top of the search results. When you’re at the top of the results, more people are bound to click on your site and drive clients to you!

How important is web design for my personal injury law firm?

A well designed website can help bring clients to your law firm and keep them browsing your site for solutions. Clunky sites often drive people away and cause them to move on. Investing in your website is investing in your business!

What are the best ways to market a personal injury law firm?

Investing in SEO services is the best way to market a personal injury law firm! You’ll be able to generate pay per click and organic leads for your business as well as push your website high in the results locally.

Grow Your Personal Injury Law Firm With Us

Growing your personal injury law firm is a hard business. While you’re busy building the foundation of your firm, having someone else take care of the digital marketing is the best way to kill two birds with one stone! Lasting Trend can build your SEO, design a responsive website, and create content for your niche. Your business takes a lot of time and effort and adding in another task list for digital marketing can be too much. Let us take the hard work off your hands so you can focus on building your business. We’ll create a marketing plan that will benefit your business best.

Lasting Trend