
Best Family Law Blog Topics Ideas For Your Audience

By Tim Absalikov
Founder and Acting CEO at Lasting Trend
Tim is an expert in technical SEO, on-page optimization and linkbuilding. He has over a decade of experience in Digital Marketing for B2C companies in US and Europe.

Creating and maintaining a legal blog is not an easy task. On the one hand, it is necessary to write on complex and confusing topics related to legislation. On the other hand, blog articles should be simple and understandable to anyone without a legal background.

Another problem is finding interesting and useful blog topics that will be of interest to the target audience. Then these articles will be actively read, and they will attract new organic traffic to your site. But choosing good lawyer blog topics is almost always a problem. Moreover, there is a need to take into account the specialization and the ​practice area in which the lawyer works when drawing up a content plan.

Digital marketing agency Lasting Trend has extensive experience in creating content for law firms, and we are ready to share our experience with you. In this case, we will offer you ideas for a family law blog.

1. Write Information That Will Be Useful For Clients

Your goal is to convince potential clients that you are competent and can help solve their problems. To do this, you need to take into account the needs of your target audience.

Usually, Internet users read legal articles in two cases:

  1. When they need to solve a problem that already exists. For example, requests might sound like this: “How do I get child support after a divorce?”
  2. When they need to take preventive measures to avoid problems in the future. For example, they may be interested in the question “How to draw up a marriage contract?”.

Articles on such family law blog topics provide only a general answer to the request. The text should help the website visitors get rid of the problem, and not impose services. The author can only afford a call to action at the end of the article.

To select relevant legal blog topics, you can use the questions that customers ask in the comments on the site or social networks. Of course, very detailed questions describing specific situations and personal data should be avoided. But if there is an opportunity to generalize and adapt the theme, make it unified, use this chance.

2. Analyse and Comment On Your Cases

If you win the case, it makes sense to tell you about it on your website. Storytelling would be appropriate here. Describe the client’s life situation and show that many people may face a similar problem. If possible, add some emotional details, but in general, focus on the pattern: problem – solution – result.

Make the most of the numbers. Remember that any case should show benefits to your future customers. For example, calculate how much money you saved your customer.

You can diversify the article with different elements:

  1. Infographics. Depict your work process and outcome in beautifully designed data and diagrams.
  2. Video. It is a rather expensive format, but it enlivens the blog articles and attracts the attention of readers.
  3. Feedback from satisfied customers. It is a way to convey not only specific facts but also emotions and subjective opinions.

Such texts are quite specific since they contain many details and facts that only you know about. Therefore, you will have to write the text yourself or communicate a lot with a copywriter to explain all the nuances of the case.

3. Tell People About Latest and Further Changes in Laws

In jurisprudence, you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse – follow the updates of legislation, clarifications of authorities, precedents and high-profile cases.

If any changes in legislation may affect your target audience, be sure to tell readers about it. Usually, such information is popular and website visitors read these publications very actively. Moreover, if the text is written in an accessible and simple language, well and clearly designed, it can become “evergreen content”. It means that the article will be read for a long time, increasing law firm website traffic.

family law blog topics

Therefore, try to explain all upcoming legislative updates to your audience as simply as possible. Make the article easy to understand, avoid complex terms, legal jargon, and long sentences.

Give concrete examples of how this new law will affect your customers. For example, if changes are made to the legislation on alimony, give specific numbers using the example of one conditional family.

4. Write Updates Of Your Old Posts

There is one good way to get a new wave of traffic and at the same time spend less effort. This is an update of the content that is already on your site, but the information published in the article is already outdated or has not attracted enough attention. If the statistics for this post are low, pay special attention to the SEO optimization of the text.

In general, the work plan for updating old posts will be as follows:

  1. Look for low traffic articles. Use Google Analytics, SemRush or any other software that you know how to work with.
  2. Analyze keywords. Including studying the articles of competitors. If necessary, update the semantic core.
  3. Rewrite and expand the blog articles. You can use various tricks:
  • add a story from your practice area (if you have new cases in the past period);
  • add customer reviews;
  • add fresh statistics and research on the topic;
  • add checklists or instructions on how to solve the problem;
  • add new photos and videos.
  1. Update the metadata.
  2. Promote the article and track the statistics.

Please note that updating content is only worth doing if your blog has been running for several years, you have tried several promotion strategies, and you want to find new opportunities for family law marketing.

5. Start Making Videos And Convert Them Into Blog Articles

We have already mentioned in the text above about creating videos. This kind of content can be so effective that it deserves more discussion. It’s one thing when customers read a boring text about services, and it’s quite another thing when they can see you, the employees of the company, look inside at the work of the team, etc. In the second case, people feel involved in the process and therefore make a decision in your favor faster.

You can shoot videos in several different formats:

  1. FAQ/educational videos. This includes brief overviews where experts explain complex legal terms or answer frequently asked questions.
  2. Presentation videos. These are stories that introduce the audience to the family law firm’s services.
  3. Video reports. These are videos about professional events, seminars, business lunches, etc.
  4. Live broadcasts. Be careful with this format so that your customers’ personal information does not accidentally get on the air.

Videos have a big advantage – they are well indexed by Google Search. This is a great tool for website promotion and implementation of your marketing strategy!

5 More Topics and Concrete Ideas For Blog

Although family lawyers have a narrow specialization, their field of activity is quite extensive. Such a lawyer should have enough knowledge and experience to help clients in cases of divorce, alimony, adoption, division of joint property, etc. And about each of these blog topics you can write articles on your blog. Moreover, you need to create such strong and compelling content on these family law blog topics that potential clients have no doubts about your professionalism.

Divorce Themes

Many couples find it very difficult to agree on many issues during a divorce. Often they do not see a solution because they are in a big conflict. Try to give them at least small hints in your blog articles on how to resolve a family conflict. For example, you can write on law blog topics such as:

  • Тop 10 divorce mistakes.
  • How to write a divorce petition?
  • How to divide a mortgage or secured loan during a divorce?
  • Divorce with a foreigner. What do you need to know about it?

Also, you can suggest how to find a good lawyer. For example, it could be the topic “10 Signs of a Good Divorce Lawyer” or “What to consider when hiring a family lawyer?”. It is an example of evergreen content.

Adoption Themes

Adopting a child is a very complex and lengthy process that requires great responsibility on the part of the adoptive parents and the constant support of a family lawyer. This procedure has many pitfalls, and it is better to warn potential parents about them in advance.

  • What are the reasons for refusing to adopt a child?
  • Who can be an adoptive parent?
  • Do adoptive parents have any benefits and privileges?
  • How to choose the best adoption lawyer?

Do not forget in your blog about the other side – about an expectant mother who intends to give the child up for adoption. This category of women also has a lot of questions that you can answer.

Alimony Themes

Any divorce process is much more complicated if there are children in the family. When parting, parents need to determine their rights and obligations to children. Here are some interesting legal topics to write on your blog.

Be sure to tell website visitors about the differences in the processing and payment of alimony in your state.

lawyer blog topics

Child Custody Themes

Child custody is another important step to overcome during a divorce. As practice shows, such court cases can drag on for years. A prime example here would be Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, who have been sharing kids since 2016. 

You can use the following lawyer blog topics for your blog: 

By the way, you can use some situations from the life of famous people in your articles. Using the example of their court cases, you can explain to your prospective clients what problems they may face in obtaining child custody.

Child Support Themes

Raising children is a long process. During this period, many situations may arise when it becomes necessary to revise the existing agreement between the parents. You can talk on your blog about many such cases and answer questions:

  • For what reasons can your parenting time be increased after a divorce?
  • How to modify custody or child support agreements?
  • How can custodial parents get court permission to move?
  • Tips for healthy parenting cooperation. Raising children after divorce.

Also, you can prepare articles on adjusting parenting plans, restriction orders, protecting children from possible harm from a family member, etc.

Develop The Best Lawyer Blog In The Industry With Us

We have listed only several questions you can use in your family law blog. Of course, there are more such family law blog topics, and each of them can be made interesting for your readers.

If you do not have enough time and energy to write, you can contact the digital marketing agency Lasting Trend. We are ready to share our ideas, knowledge and experience with you. Together we will create a useful blog with quality content. Then you will take an active position in the information space and increase traffic on your site.

Good content attracts and holds the attention of the client, leads him along the path of the sales funnel – from the newly formed interest and the sudden thought of contacting a lawyer to a clear intention to sign a contract with you. Content focuses a potential client on your company, which is always there, ready to share competent advice, tell about an interesting case and do its job professionally at any time.

If you want your blog to be a powerful legal marketing tool and help you promote your company, write to us or apply on the Lasting Trend site.


At first, many lawyers assume that writing articles is an easy task that anyone can do. But in reality, it turns out otherwise – either there is no interesting idea, or there are no suitable cases, or there is simply no time to write the text. As a result, creating a blog becomes a difficult quest that not everyone is ready to solve.

You can get ideas for your blog from many sources:

  • questions and comments of your audience in social networks and on the website;
  • examples from your practice;
  • clarification of legislation and any legal innovations;
  • news;
  • high-profile court cases, well-known legal precedents;
  • a description of your legal services, etc.

However, if your resources are not enough for blogging, you can always order services from professional law firm marketers, copywriters and SEO specialists. They will help you develop your content and marketing plan and then write, optimize, and post new blog posts. You can get all the listed types of services at the Lasting Trend agency.


What Are Usual Family Law Problems?

Family law includes a wide range of issues that relate to the conclusion and dissolution of marriage, the upbringing of children, the observance of parental rights, the division of common property, etc. Unfortunately, many couples cannot resolve conflicts on their own, and then a family lawyer comes to the rescue.
For example, a family law attorney assists in such situations:
– registration and conclusion of a marriage contract;
– termination of the marriage union, representation of the client’s interests in court during the divorce proceedings;
– a division of joint property;
– a collection of alimony in court and out of court;
– disputing paternity;
– deprivation and restriction of parental rights;
– establishing the place of residence of the child;
– determination of the procedure and conditions for the upbringing and maintenance of a minor.
In addition, a family lawyer will be able to provide professional legal advice and explain to the client the prospects for the development of events, possible benefits, and also help prepare for court proceedings.

Is It Necessary To Have a Blog for a Lawyer?

A blog is an optional, but highly desirable and effective way to promote a law firm. There are several main reasons why you should create a blog on your site.
1. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise to prospective clients. By answering their burning questions and offering solutions, you will convince the audience of your high qualifications.
2. This is a good way to become an influencer and grow your brand.
3. A blog helps you attract new customers and keep old customers loyal.
4. You can educate and develop your potential audience with informative blog posts. In turn, training helps increase the number of clients, because people more clearly understand all the patterns and possible negative consequences of each situation.
5. A blog is one of the tools for SEO optimization and law firm website promotion.
6. A blog is a great place to practice and improve your writing skills.
In addition, a blog is your personal media that can become an active part of your customer acquisition system. When used correctly, a blog can be a very powerful tool for family law marketing.

How Can I Choose The Right Topic For My Family Law Blog?

Developing a content plan for a family law blog includes a whole range of tasks. In particular, this is an audit of your site and analysis of competitors, drawing up a portrait of the audience, analysis and selection of keywords, etc. All these steps are necessary because one of the most important functions of a blog is SEO optimization of the site. The more thoughtful your texts are, the more successful the promotion of your site on the Internet will be.
1. Each keyword must match one post. Do not mix many keywords in one text.
2. The keywords and topics you choose should be relevant to the entire blog topic and your services. Otherwise, you can confuse your target audience and attract inappropriate traffic to the site.
3. Write posts on different topics – answer not only the most popular questions but also highly specialized ones. It is topics with low search volume that can get to the first page of Google faster.
Of course, when choosing topics, think not only about SEO but also about your audience. Tell those stories that can be useful to people. Write about what you are really good at, share unique experiences that are not found in other blogs.

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