
Website Speed Optimization Service

You’ve heard about website speed but wonder what that means. Maybe you heard about major companies getting website optimization and now touting that their webpage has increased conversions due to better performance. You want that. We can help. Lasting Trend has experts in creating speedy sites and providing the best website speed optimization service you can hope for.

We provide services to businesses of any size and any industry – and it doesn’t matter how high your website’s traffic is each day. We can enhance user experience by minimizing page load time. This allows for better overall performance with smooth e-commerce and increased webpage conversions.

Our Page Speed Consulting Services

Let’s reason with each other here. You are going to be spending money for marketing, and we know you want to see results. You may feel like it’s a gamble, as you’ve heard that nothing is guaranteed. We have a simple ideology – for every dollar spent on marketing, you as the client should get double, triple, or even more benefits.

Our page speed optimization service will analyze page speed, of course, but even more than that. The page speed optimization consultants assigned to you will do an analyzation of your website, coding, and other aspects to really tell you how to increase your page speed.

We specialize in WordPress speed optimization service and can work with any web hosting platform. As we review your JavaScript and CSS files, we make sure that everything can be adjusted to ultimately enhance user experience.

How Lasting Trend Can Help

There is no website too big or hosting platform too obscure. No matter what your site is, we can help get you one of those speedy sites you are looking for through our website speed optimization services.  Those services include the following.

Website Speed Optimization Service

Our website speed optimization services do exactly what they say. We do an entire sweep through everything on your site. We start with the on-page content, then shift and take a look at the backend and coding. All of which actually affects page load time and overall performance.    

WordPress Speed Optimization Service

As we’ve mentioned that we can help with any hosting platform, we provide WordPress speed optimization service as well. WordPress is one of the major hosting platforms and can need some attention and an expert to best optimize the website’s traffic, and overall user experience. 

wordpress speed optimization service

E-commerce Page Speed Optimization

The faster that your site allows for the end consumer to get through to make a purchase, the better the user experience is. E-commerce optimization is key to overall success and potential customers into conversions and sales. Our speed optimization service enhances the end user and website interaction.

Shopify Speed Optimization

One of the more popular e-commerce hosting site is Shopify. If you have a site on Shopify, our Shopify speed optimization expert can consult with you to make sure that your site performs with the best of them.  From getting on the page to checking out and paying, your site’s performance is key in the end user’s experience.

Joomla Speed Optimization Service

Services for Joomla are also available. If you use this CRM service for web hosting, our Joomla speed optimization service provides the best services. We can ensure that the compression of the content on the page will be able to optimize the site performance.       

WooCommerce Speed Optimization Service

Woocommerce can be complicated, just as technology can be. Our Woocommerce speed optimization service, we understand how this e-commerce app communicates with WordPress. We understand that this communication needs to be smooth and flawless, and we will enhance that relationship to make sure it’s speedy.

How We Speed Up Your Website

Whatever your website hosting platform or size, we know that you want your website to be a key and integral part of your business. The website speed optimization service we provide can be broken down depending on what your marketing budget is. We can work with what you can afford and make sure that you still find success.  After determining what the services you are looking for is, the first step that needs to happen is an examination of your platform to find current issues. Whether it was built bad, has hosting errors, or the coding needs updated, we will determine what it is and take the necessary steps to improve your speed performance.

Why Is Site Speed Important

Having speedy sites is key for two different reasons. One, it helps your site show up on google searches when your page load speed and other aspects of the page’s performance is optimized – which increases your website’s traffic. Second, your end user experience will end up in more conversions.

User Experience

The user experience is king. Whatever your consumer is experiencing can influence their willingness to continue on your website or to leave. If the site has been optimized for best performance, it can lead to higher conversions. If it doesn’t, then potential consumers will leave and find another easier way to interact to get what they are looking for.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is basically how much your website’s traffic enters your page and leaves pretty quickly.  There can be many reasons for it, but a couple of the major reasons is because page load speed and javascript or CSS files need to be adjusted for complete optimization of the page and increase conversions (and in turn decrease bounce rate).

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the rate that people who enter your webpage and take action. If the action is e-commerce, the end user makes a purchase. Some sites have their users fill out a survey or a contact form. The faster and smoother the site, the more your website’s traffic will increase, and the performance will be better. 

Typical Page Speed Score Increases

The target for your page use is to have 100 page speed. Your TTFB (time to first byte) for your site would optimally be less than 100, and other aspects contribute to this high score. There are plenty of plugins that you can add to your site to improve the speed, but the user experience suffers. On the other hand, you can choose to not add those plugins and not have a 100 page speed but maybe the experience is better. Sometimes it’s a difficult decision to make.  

Factors That Contribute To Slow Load Time

There can be many factors that contribute to your page load time to be slow. Whether it be improper set up on your page, or some coding was put together sloppily, or even the navigation of the site is a little clunky, the things that are slowing your page load speed can be fixed.

Sloppy Html Coding

Coding is tough, it’s like another language. A lot can go wrong and without training, you wouldn’t know it.  JavaScript could be incorrect. CSS files need to go through an optimization process regularly to make sure the website is functioning properly.    

Huge, Unoptimized Graphics

Graphics are one of the main things on the on-page optimization that slows the site down. Large photos with a high file size are difficult to spot, but if you do, you know those photos will take much longer than one that has gone through a compression process to be a smaller size that doesn’t lose quality but won’t take as long to load.

Too Many Redirects

Too many redirects can present a new problem. Either there is a loop in the redirects that can cause an error – or there are a lot of pages that are redirected to yours and can cause a pretty bad issue. Going through the process to clean up the links and redirects     

Server Location And Performance

The location of the server to the computer can affect performance. The further the location of the server the more performance suffers. This is something that as we run and test to make sure that if it is something that is causing it, we can do everything we can to fix this. 


Why Choose Lasting Trend

In-house Team
Lasting Trend
General SEO agency
Personal customer care
The in-house team devotes 100% of their time to your projects.
Each client gets a personal manager accountable for the project results.
The client receives a dry report once a month, it is difficult to understand what is being done on the project now.
One client per market
Own team will only work with your projects.
We never take two clients that will compete in the same niche and the same geo.
General SEO agencies take as many clients as they can.
Deep research
Depends on the size of a team. Often, team members don’t have enough experience for deep research.
We provide deep research with a target to bring you profit. We do not collect popular words and topics from your niche.
Big companies have deep research options. But the total results will look big and half of them won’t attract any client.
Niche understanding
Normally, the in-house team fully understands your niche and can see what keywords you need to look for.
The first step in our SEO processes is to understand the niche. That helps to find the most profitable growth points.
No time for niche understanding, automated SEO processes.
Monthly investment
Based on the team size. Can be as low as $2500 for one intern-level full-time employee to $10k+ for a team
Starting with $2999
Wide range of prices. From $500 (firms that most likely won’t deliver) to $50k (nationwide largest firms).

The Results You Get

When you built your website, you wanted it to perform to the best it can. Really, the effectiveness is all about the website’s traffic that your page attracts. You need someone who has the experience of getting people to your site and having the site function properly. We have that experience. We have the desire and the passion to help you achieve your goals. Our team has a proven track record for helping our clients:

  • Get foot traffic, more visits to your webpage
  • Capture qualified leads, potential clients who have an increased chance of purchasing
  • Leave your competitors in the dust
  • Dominate your market
SEO-optimized website
to attract new clients
Full support
during the entirety of the project
Saving up to $215,000
per year on staff and freelance contributors
An increase in customers
up to 5 times after the first six months

Our goal is to work closely with you along your business’ journey. As you grow, we adjust and continue to provide you the best experiences along the way.  As your sales increase and your business grows, your needs will change.  We have been there and will help you through it as well.  We are excited to see you have the success and the results you are looking for!

Customer Reviews

Testimonials and Reviews


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Website Speed Optimization Service Pricing

SEO Service

Smaller Websites With 1-5 Services
  • Technical & Mobile SEO Checkup
  • On-site SEO
  • Niche Keyword Research
  • 4 Content Scripts
  • Basic Link Building
  • Keyword Position Report

360° Marketing

Websites With 6-30 Services or E-commerce
  • Everything from Starter Plan +
  • UX, UI Design
  • Advanced Link building
  • Local SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media or PPC Management

Enterprise SEO

from $10,000
Multi-site Projects or Large E-commerce
  • Everything from 360 SEO Plan+
  • Sales Funnels
  • Satellite Website Networks
  • Multi-Channel Paid Ads

Case Studies

We have several success stories, but one in particular had an increase of organic traffic by 50-fold!  Through 3 major areas of market research, analysis of competitors, and website audit content, we helped change this company’s results around. They went from zero organic leads in google searches to getting 10 plus per day. Today they are reaping the benefits to good SEO work. For a full version of this particular case study, please click here.

Request Your Free Consultation

Ok, stop babysitting your website. Don’t bother watching the YouTube videos to become your own page load speed optimization service expert. Leave that to Lasting Trend. We are the experts that can partner with you to get you to your goals. Our speed optimization service is based on working closely with you and helping you get results you are looking for.  We stay in communication with you so you understand what is happening and what you can expect from us.  You don’t need to understand how all of it works, you just need to know it does. Our content will bring you money, not headaches. Contact us today for your free consultation.

Lasting Trend